Services & Support

HoT delivers some services directly. These include our Summer Scheme programme, groups for people who have been bereaved, and a support group for people with dementia and those who care for them.

Other activities, support groups and services are provided by partners who use our community facilities.

2024 Summer Schemes – Book Now!

Places are now available to book for our two fantastic Summer Schemes, which run this year from Monday, July 22nd, to Friday, August 2nd (weekdays only).

For those currently in Years 2-7 at school, we have our larger scheme, which takes place three days each week at Sacred Heart Community Centre. It offers a range of fun activities, from crafts to sports, team-building activities, pond dipping, and much more. Four trips are planned: Habberley Trail, a walk in Derbyshire, a Beach trip, and a trip to Twycross Zoo. There are places for 60 young people on this scheme.

The second scheme is for those currently in Year 8 to Year 10. An action-packed fortnight including climbing, Raft Building, Team sports, Twycross Zoo, A plus much day at the beach, plus much more. See the programme for details.

Summer Scheme Programme 2024 PDF
Teenager Summer Scheme Programme 2024 PDF

To book onto either of these, please contact or call 01827 769403 and ask to speak to Alex or Fr Michael for more details.

Please note that booking is essential for participating in our summer scheme activities. Make sure to book now to avoid disappointment! Booking Forms are available at Sacred Heart Reception.

Creative Activities

  • Art
  • Drama
  • Flower arranging
  • Knitting
  • Music groups - all ages
  • Writing groups

Social Groups

  • Bridge
  • Groups for people with learning and physical difficulties
  • Friendship Fridays
  • Games Club

Health & Fitness

  • Various fitness classes
  • Walking group
  • Slimming World
  • Table tennis
  • Tai Chi
  • Health screening sessions
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Breast Friends

Support for Families

  • Citizens Advice Bureau
  • Brownies
  • Children and toddler groups
  • Homestart
  • School nurse
  • Summer scheme programme
  • Support for children and young people's emotional wellbeing
  • Youth groups

We also make our facilities available to other charities and groups who support people in our local community.

Meet Michelle…

Michelle began attending our Wednesday Lunch Club when it launched in September 2022. She enjoys having a chat with friends, joining in activities and, most of all, tucking into a home-cooked, two-course lunch.Like many people, Michelle found the lockdowns difficult, and was disappointed that when things began to get back to normal, some of the groups she had previously attended in the town centre did not start up again.

For Michelle, coming to the Lunch Club has led to her attending other groups which meet at the Sacred Heart Community Centre. Her week now includes Tai-Chi, Friendship Fridays and the new Thursday Games Club.

Michelle says “Everyone is so friendly and welcoming. Attending these different groups and activities gets me out of the house and I really enjoy meeting so many different people. I would encourage anyone to come along and join in”.


Is something missing?

The list above is not exhaustive – if you are interested in any of these activities, or would like to suggest, or run, an activity/service, please Contact Us.

Send us a message

Visit Us:

Heart of Tamworth,
Sacred Heart House
Silver Link Road
Tamworth, B77 2EA

01827 259955 Facebook Page
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