Latest News

The Shape of Things to Come

12 December 2019

MLambe construction have made a great start on the footings for our new project. It shows the shape of our new facility that will include a café, counselling rooms and work space for volunteers and staff. People and business have been very generous with donations too. That has included money, materials (bricks and blocks from Ibstock and CCP Building […]


Nora honoured – about time too?

05 December 2019

Nora has been living at Sacred Heart for 25 years now, living on site and available 24/7. Nora so impressed the Archbishop when he visited – because of her joyful service, faith and kindness – that he recommended her for a Papal medal, the Bene Merenti. Nora and Brian have served the Church community at […]


Winter Night Shelter

04 December 2019

The Winter Night Shelter this year is being run by Heart of Tamworth community project at St John’s Church. The Tamworth churches continue to give great support along with many members of the local community. Over 200 have volunteered this year – an amazing response. We have also had generous support from Tamworth Borough Council, […]

Building Update

Building Update

04 December 2019

Work has begun with Lambe construction extending our car park and starting on the groundwork for the extension too. Thank-you to all those supporting this project with donations.  It should be a fantastic community facility for all  when it is completed.

Christmas Fair

Christmas Fair

04 December 2019

The parish of St Johns and Sacred Heart had a great weekend recently raising money for the development of their community work. The Christmas fair was great fun and also raised over £4,200 for Heart of Tamworth. well done to all our amazing volunteers and supporters.

youth group on ice

Youth group on ice

04 November 2019

Dan has just taken the youth group ice skating at the Snowdome. Plenty of falls and bumps but lots of spirit and determination meant everyone had a great time and improved their skating skills. Well done Dan.

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